Bulley & Andrews Builds Outside of Our Jobsites
B&A showcases Design/Build talents while working to fight hunger at Canstruction
Twenty-one teams gathered for Canstruction’s 9th annual Build Night on Wednesday, August 12 in the Merchandise Mart. The design/build competition allowed professionals in the local architecture, engineering and construction industry to leverage their design skills to create structures using canned goods, all while fighting to end hunger.
Bulley & Andrews partnered with RATIO Architects for the second year in a row to create and execute their 3D theme: “Close the Book on Hunger.” Volunteers from the entire RATIO, Bulley & Andrews, smdp and Stearn-Joglekar team successfully built the structure in four and a half hours using 3,500 cans including peas, beans and soup.
The team worked together to ensure a smooth and efficient design night. Preparations included developing the design concept, transporting cans from Mariano’s to the Bulley & Andrews office, where they were sorted and packaged for delivery to the Merchandise Mart, and cutting 20 support pieces of masonite, which were added between every two layers of cans to provide structural support.
The competition benefits the Greater Chicago Food Depository, a nonprofit food distribution and training center that leads 650 food pantries in Cook County. Last year’s Canstruction event brought in more than 110,000 pounds of shelf stable food for the depository’s network.
Teams constructed 21 unique models, from food trucks to Olympic stadiums and even a replica of Jaume Plensa’s “1004 Portraits” in Millennium Park. All structures are currently on display and free to the public at the Merchandise Mart through Tuesday, September 8. Nine different category awards will be announced and presented at the Awards Gala, Thursday, September 3.