The Excitement is Building: Headquarter Highlights
The corner of Armitage and Hermitage Avenues saw a flurry of construction activity this fall. After successful excavation and demolition of the site, Bulley & Andrews (B&A) recently completed setting the foundations and basement for our new headquarters building.
With the walls up and concrete slab cast in place, the building’s basement has taken shape. The space will be home to B&A’s 38 X 25 Building Information Modeling (BIM) room, as well as multi-purpose space. Installation of the structural steel will follow, which will create the overall framework of the 39,000 square foot building.
With construction well under way, the project team has identified opportunities and surpassed goals. For example, based on the excavator’s recommendation, the team investigated reclassifying the soil once categorized as contaminated. The report verified the soil was less tainted than originally thought, allowing it to be reclassified. This provided a substantial project savings. Also, partnering with Waste Management, the waste from the building process is being recycled, which will contribute to the project’s LEED certification. With an overall goal of 75%, to date the project has had 100% of waste recycled.
Click here to view a time lapse video of construction to date on the project. Be sure to check our news page and YouTube channel for updates as B&A’s new headquarters building continues to take shape.